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Citrus Fruits


If you don't know who you are other people will tell you what you are.

Some people think of me as a Power woman. That's how I was portrayed in interviews and on TV. And it's true. It has been quite an adventure. As a survivor of human trafficking, I took a big interest in becoming knowledgeable in experience and literature about human trafficking, coaching survivors, and consultancy for organizations. 

I am now an independent consultant and nationally recognized anti-sex-trafficking expert. I am passionate about social change and mindfully empowering individuals, communities, and organizations to engage in innovative global transformation.​I serve as an advisor for different organizations and companies.
I provide strategic advice to corporations and (high-profile) clients to help them successfully navigate through some very challenging issues. 

When I decided to start my consultant & coaching agency, I didn't know what challenges were ahead or what successes were in store, but I always knew my path. I wanted to make a difference in lives, organizations, and companies.

​I stay true to the values that are most important to me. As a result, I have a family that brings me joy, a business I can be proud of with colleagues I trust, and clients and partners who rely on my guidance. Trusting my wisdom and understanding has carved a path for me that I am genuinely grateful for.​

"The listening disciple becomes a preaching apostle. I am that preaching apostle standing at the Center of Being and looking outward over the world, instruction is received from every quarter. But who hath told me that all the objects I behold and all their movements also are projections of my judgment? I am always a learner and a seeker till at the center of my consciousness, the fact is suddenly proclaimed that I produced the world as it appears."
-Emma Curtis- 

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